Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Effigies Body Bag  Remains Nonviewable   
 2. Joy Division The Kill  Remains    
 3. Pain Eleanor Rigby  Nothing Remains The Same    
 4. Pain Close My Eyes  Nothing Remains The Same    
 5. Pain Eleanor Rigby  Nothing Remains the Same    
 6. Pain Eleanor Rigby  Nothing Remains the Same    
 7. Pain Shut Your Mouth  Nothing Remains The Same    
 8. Pain Fade Away  Nothing Remains The Same    
 9. Alter Bridge Metalingus  One Day Remains   
 10. Pain Just Hate Me  Nothing Remains The Same    
 11. Pain Expelled  Nothing Remains The Same    
 12. Christopher Taylor Elevator Man  Remains To Be Seen  
 13. Pain Shut Your Mouth  Nothing Remains The Same    
 14. Pain Shut your Mouth  Nothing Remains The Same    
 15. Pain Shut Your Mouth  Nothing Remains The Same    
 16. Joy Division Shadowplay  Remains   
 17. Pain Just Hate Me  Nothing Remains The Same    
 18. Pain Just Hate Me  Nothing Remains the Same    
 19. Pain Injected Paradise  Nothing Remains The Same    
 20. Alter Bridge Open Your Eyes  One Day Remains   
 21. Alter Bridge In Loving Memory  One Day Remains   
 22. Alkaline Trio We Can Never Break Up  Remains    
 23. Alkaline Trio Warbrain  Remains   
 24. Alkaline Trio Warbrain  Remains   
 25. Alkaline Trio Warbrain  Remains   
 26. Alter Bridge Metalingus  One Day Remains    
 27. Alter Bridge Broken Wings  One Day Remains   
 28. Alter Bridge In Loving Memory  One Day Remains    
 29. Alter Bridge Metalingus  One Day Remains    
 30. Alter Bridge Open Your Eyes  One Day Remains   
   1 2 3 4    »
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